Sunday, August 21, 2011


"Selfishness is a sin"...
"Altruism is a virtue"...
if Yes.. read...
Why do u believe in either of these statements? selfish hona buri baat hai kya? If someone is doing everything for himself, what's your problem? Your problem comes when he does it in front of u or 'you' are involved in his act.

Now why do you call being selfish a bad thing.. i think that's because u want people to be good to you right? If somebody doesn't care about you while he is thinking of his well being, why will you like him? That is what i think is our (or rather 'my') sole reason for hating the selfish people. And it is justified.
Nobody can stop me from hating somebody. But I can't say that the stuff that he is doing is 'wrong'.
Now when i am hating somebody while calling him 'selfish', am 'I' not being selfish? coz i want 'him' to be good to me... in every situation...
That is how it works... if i am good to people... only then people will be good to  me.. nahi?
*So while I am hating somebody for being selfish, that is because 'I' am selfish.*

That was for the general definitions of selfishness.
Now for 'my' definition of selfishness, which I think 'should' be the definition. Please let me know if you  differ.

Everybody wants to do what he likes. U, me , everybody. That's what we call 'living' right? Everybody wants to see 'himself' content in every possible way. That's why I say, everybody is selfish, whether he admits it or not (to himself or to others).
Somebody giving something to a beggar.. (imagine a small kid..)
1) Thinking that he will go to heaven by doing this.. ki vo punya kama rha hai.. in this case anybody would agree that it is selfishness as generally defined.
2) Thinking that it will make the beggar happy.. and that gives 'him' the pleasure. That is generally not called selfishness.. but it is.. in my eyes.
Its just  that 2nd option  is generally considered as virtue, while it is not. (and i think nothing is)

Every action that is performed by anybody seems selfishness to me.. and properly justified.. and as nothing wrong. Being selfish is what life is. If its for the well being of others it is not considered selfishness. If you don't want to define it that way, it is fine, but why to call it a virtue? (anyway, what is a virtue?) and why to call selfishness a sin?


  1. Nice thoughts man. Brilliantly put, albeit a bit confusing for the average reader. Poor English though and many mistakes. And most of these thoughts seem to have been generated via Toohey. I guess all the above mentioned accolades then go to me :)

  2. "Poor English" dafa ho yahaan se.. (of course becoz now i know who u are..)
    toohey does share some part of it... ayn rand i mean...
    the sole thing that ayn rand wrote that blasted(!) my brains was the 'reason' she gave for why some ppl make some stuff look like sin, and some as virtue, i.e., the reason for trying to make fools out of people.Power.
    those pages of fountainhead really are something..

  3. I know buddy, I know. That's why I recommended it to you.
